Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Worth the Wait

Kase's older brother Tommy and his wife Angela have two kids (they are the super cute ones that I have previously mentioned) who are currently my only nephew and niece. Back in January or February (I can't remember) Tommy and Angela informed the family that they were expecting their third baby. We were all so excited.

Then came spring... and we waited...
Then Summer.... and we waited....
Then Fall..... and we waited.....
The baby was due November 1st, but she wasn't ready yet, so we waited....
On Monday, being 17 days over due, the baby reluctantly decided it might be time to join the rest of the world. So excitingly, we waited. I waited at work for the phone call announcing that she had finally arrived.....
Then came Lunch time.... and I waited.....
Then dinner.... and I waited.....
Then bedtime... and I went to bed and waited.....
No one waited longer and worked harder than her mommy and daddy, and FINALLY at 1am-ish this morning my newest littlest niece decided to end the waiting....
Please allow me to introduce Baby Lotus:



She was well worth the wait.

1 comment:

erin said...

A new neice! How exciting! Waiting for a baby to finally decide to come out is the hardest part (well almost).