Thursday, February 16, 2012

Did You Know....

that Eliza loves Taylor Swift?

When she was a little-itty-bitty-whiney-never-stop-crying-never-ever baby, we would put Taylor Swift on in the car and she would magically calm down.

It was a miracle.

So we pretty much listened to Taylor all the time. We branch out sometimes, but she usually says "No No No No No No No No" repeatedly until we put Taylor back on.

We did get her to listen to Christmas music during the holiday season, and it wasn't just Taylor's christmas album. She really liked Michael Buble's version of "Jingle Bells." (I'm not going to lie, Kase still plays it for her in the car. ha ha.)

But Taylor is her favorite. She calls her "Tay-luh"

Now that she is a bit older, she even knows a lot of the lyrics to Taylor's songs. "Meet me the the pouring rain" or I see sparks fly whenever you "Mile." Anybody? Anybody?

Ok maybe you are not such a big Taylor fan. But if you ride with us, I think you may gain a new appreciation for her.

If not, you'll have to deal with Eliza. "No no no no no."

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Love Day

Are you one of those people that thinks Valentine's day was created by the greeting card industry?

Well, I'm not.

I don't really care how it was created. I think it is a lovely day. It is nice to have a day to celebrate love.

I don't think it has to be romantic love. Any kind of love will do.

I love my sweet husband. He knows me so well and takes such good care of me. He always makes me smile.

I love my sweet daughter. She brightens my every day. She has taught me so many wonderful things.

I love my sweet family. My parents, my siblings, my in-laws, my sibling in-laws, all of them. They are all such wonderful people who are giving and sweet.

I love my sweet friends. Some I've known for a really long time, and others a pretty new. But I am so grateful to have them. They brighten my day. It is nice to chat and visit. Whether it is a text message, an email, a visit, a book club meeting (yes, I am that dorky), or some other way, it is a joy to have friends in my life.

I love (most of) my co-workers. I work with some really great people. They make me laugh every day and make having to be away from my sweet baby girl a little easier.

I am so blessed.

We had a low key V-day. We had take-out Zaxby salads for dinner. Eliza had her very first valentine party at daycare. After dinner, we opened her valentines. She got cards, snacks, sunglasses, suckers, and play-dough. Her very favorite thing was bubbles. Eliza has some really sweet and wonderful teachers at school. They helped her make two cute valentines for her mommy and daddy. I am so glad her teachers are so great. She also REALLY loves her friends at school. She has been in the same class with 3 of her friends since they were all 2 months old. She asks about them often when we are at home, before bed, and in the morning when she wakes up. She is such a sweet and loving little girl.

Mommy and daddy gave Eliza her valentines from us: a little bee that sings "Bee My Baby" and a new book. We love our little bug so much.

After Eliza went to bed, Kase and I watched some TV together and enjoyed our gifts to each other. He got me our traditional chocolate covered strawberries ( I LOVE THEM) and I got him some homemade truffles.

All in all it was a lovely day.

Hope your day was lovely too.

Yes I took pictures. Yes I am probably too lazy to upload them. Sorry.