Monday, February 9, 2009

There's No Snow like No Snow

Last week it snowed, sort of.

Well, it was a lot of snow for us around here. Unfortunately, I still had to work. I did get to sleep in for a few hours one day though!

At our house, I think we got a couple of inches. I raced home after work (Well, I drove as fast as I could with all the drivers going 20 mph because of all the snow.) got the kids and took them outside to play. Oh wait, I don't have kids. I mean I got the dog, aka the Monster, and we went outside to play.

She bounced and rolled and loved the snow. I threw snow balls at her and she jumped up and caught them in her mouth. She then proceeded to kill the snowballs just in case. If one of the snowballs bounced off her nose, into the snow, she would then try and find it by sticking her head into the snow and sniffing. Because the snowball should certainly smell different or stick out in some way from the rest of the snow. Yes. She is one smart dog.

Looking for the missing-in-action snowball.
Hopefully, our future kids will be smarter.


Katy Beth said...

Looks like ya'll had fun! So cute!

erin said...

I love the snowman! That is one of the best Tennessee snowmen I've seen!