Thursday, June 20, 2013

Eliza's Rainbow Party

Months ago, Eliza told me that she wanted a "red, green, blue, purple, yellow, all the colors party". So her party became a rainbow party. I wanted to go simple, but I stressed about it anyways. Sigh... Maybe I will get stressfree one day. ha. She was excited about her party for months, but when the day came she said "Mommy I want to cancel my party. I just want to play by myself." She became excited again later, so I think she was just a bit nervous.

We had all the colors of the rainbow of fruits, veggies, rainbow goldfish, rainbow pasta, rainbow drinks, cupcakes with rainbows, and a rainbow cake. It was delish.
We had the party at a small park with a little playground because that is what Eliza wanted to do. She loves the playground. When the kids got there they were suppose to color the inserts for the rainbow straw cups but I didn't really tell anybody that. I think they did enjoy their little cups and maybe they can color them later. I think they atleast liked picking out the color of their cups. Each kid recieved a little pail with rainbow candy, rainbow crayons, rainbow sucker... you get the point.

Eliza LOVES the slide and it was hard to get her away from the playground to open presents. She just wanted to play.
My mom helped me make the cupcakes and cake. We did homemade frosting for the first time. So much better! Our rainbow cupcakes:

It was hard to get Eliza to leave the playground to open presents. The last 2 years, she didn't want to open her presents and I had to do the awkward opening of gifts by myself thing. So we talked about opening gifts and saying thank you. We agreed that daddy would help her and she said she would do it. She did pretty good. About 3/4 of the way through, she was done. The playground was calling her name, but she stuck it out and it was alright. Everyone was so generous and sweet to her.

Then it was time to do the cake. We couldn't get the candle lit due to the wind. On her actual birthday, she had blew out the candle of some cupcakes I made her, so it was alright. Instead, we just sang happy birthday to her. That scared her to death to have so many people singing and watching her. But her daddy helped her. It was her party, and she cried when she wanted to.
The rainbow cake ended up being awesome. My mom was so much help. It was a really fun cake.

I forgot to take a picture of all the kids at the party until after many kids had left, and the birthday girl wanted nothing to do with the picture. We tried.

Grandpa and SuperDeb with all the grandkids:
Memaw and Papaw with Caroline:
My brother and his wife came to visit and go to Eliza's party. It was so good to see them. I just liked this picture of my brother and Caroline on party day:


Brittany said...

It looks like you went all out for the party! That cake looked awesome. Again, I apologize for being a flaky friend. I just can't seem to plan anything right these days. Anyway, I hope Eliza's present arrived in the mail. :)

Angela said...

yay it was fun! Great job on the party:)

Lori said...

Her shirt looks great!! And that party looks awesome--you are a total pro! Nicely done!

Erin_C said...

So fun! Carly has been asking for a "rainbow butterfly" party, so if her request sticks, I'm going to attempt a rainbow cake come August. Yours turned out so cute! Glad she had a fun birthday. And Caroline is a doll. Yum.