Sunday, April 7, 2013

3 Months

Caroline is 3 months old today. She is such a joy.

At 3 months she:

- Makes lots of gurgling, squeeking, cooing noises. She tries to talk to us.
- She still is not sleeping through the night. She goes to bed around 9, wakes up around 1:30, and then 3 hours after that wake up time. I usually put her in bed with me when she gets up around 5 so I can squeeze a little more sleep for me since I get up around 6:30 for work.
- She is good about going back to sleep after she wakes up to eat. She will go in her bed awake and she rubs her face and head with her hands until she falls asleep. It is so cute.
- She likes her pacifier but doesn't really have a thing for it. 
- She loves to snuggly. 
- She will sit by herself for quite a while happy as can be.
-Eats about every 3 hours.
- Takes 4 oz bottles at school.
- Wears size 1 diapers still.
- She really only gets upset when she is gassy, really hungry, or really tired.  
- She LOVES Eliza. She smiles so big when Eliza talks to her. I love seeing my girls smiling at each other.
- Is such a happy and sweet baby.
 I cannot imagine our life without this sweet girl.
I'm enjoying her being little so much and I know how fast she will change.
But I'm also excited to watch her grow and see what she becomes.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I love your family. Those girls are so cute together. I love them and could squeeeeeeeeeeeeze them.