Things I want to remember about Eliza at almost 3 (WHAT?):
- She is very scared and concerned with bees right now. "When do they go to bed? When do they wake up? Are they going to sting me?" Any bug that flies by, or a piece of dirt in the air is a cause for concern. She is afraid of them and fascinated by them.
- She makes up songs as we drive down the road. She also requests specific songs with her name that she has made up for them. (Usually the first few words of the song.) For example, "Oh my" by Taylor Swift is one of her favorites. I don't even know what the real name is but it is number 15 on Taylor's new album.
- Every day she talks about the Sun. Every. Single. Day. She wants to know if the sun is awake, going to bed, behind the clouds, or behind the trees. Is it about to get dark yet? We shouldn't touch sun. We shouldn't look at the sun. We need to teach baby sister not to look at the sun too.
- She adores Caroline aka Baby Sister aka Carebear. She is sweet to her and talks to her a lot. She does, however, forget that Caroline has legs if they are covered by a blanket and will proceed to squish them by accident.
- She has recently stopped eating yogurt everyday. This is sad because it was one of the only healthy things that she will eat.
- She likes nicknames. She calls Kase "K-Dizzle" and recently I have become "Mamadee". I am not sure why really
- She has recently taken interest in my scrapbooks and loves to look at them. It makes me happy.
- She has started telling people that they smell a certain way. For example, she told Kase the other night that he smelled like Ketchup. This morning Caroline smelled like cheese.
- She refuses to wear sandles. She loves to have socks on at all times. With the warm weather coming, we need to fix that soon!
Funny things she says:
We always lay in her bed at night at talk about her day. She asks me lots of questions and I explain the world to her. It is one of my favorite times of the day. The other night she said "Mommy, I want to talk about bad things." I was a little concerned and asked "Ok what bad things do you want to talk about?" "I want to talk about knivzsez (knives)." I was even more concerned. "Ok what about knives?" She said "Mommy and Daddy can touch knivzsez but Eliza cannot touch knivzsez. Right mommy?" Whew... that is right.
The other day I saw her holding herself like she needed to go to the bathroom. "Eliza do you need to go potty?" She said, "No, I'm just holding myself so I don't pee myself. I don't need to go potty."
She is such a smart and sweet girl. We are so blessed to have her.
A January Experiment
5 years ago