Monday, August 24, 2009

We Now Interupt This Regularly Scheduled Vacation Update

with an important announcement......


My oven, sometimes known as "Stove" or "the loud rattling thing in the kitchen," passed away in a series of unfortunate events.

Yesterday evening Kase was helping our new neighbors down the street move. I decided I would go over and say hello while dinner was cooking. After my little visit, I came home and checked on the casserole. I realized something was not right. A part of the element in the oven was burning hot orange, with sparks flying out and catching crumbs on fire.

I raced across the street to tell Kase that I had broken our oven. When I got back the burning orange dot had slowly progressed a little farther a long, melting the element along its way. Kase came home to see what had happened. Sure enough. Oven was on his last legs.

We tried to let it cool off. But eventually Kase had to pull the plug.

I heard rumors that it may be possible to keep Oven alive a little longer with buying a new element. But honestly, between you and me, this was not Oven's only health problem. I think it's only right to cut the cord now.

Oven also caused Kase to twist his ankle on his way home to see if the house was on fire, which caused swelling and a bad night of sleep.

Oven also caused me to wake up late, hurry to my car, and find ANOTHER flat tire. Third one in 3 months!!!!!! After changing the tire and putting on the donut, we found out that the donut was flat as well. sighhhhhh.... I am not sure how Oven managed to do this, but I am sure I can find a connection.

So it is time for a new oven. Farewell my warm friend. Farewell.

Now back to your regularly scheduled updates......


Lori said...

You crack me up, Laura, crack. me. up. I love reading your blog.

The Fishers said...

Oh No! I'm so sorry! It's probably all our fault! We probably brought bad luck to the neighborhood! We really appreciate Kase's help though - if there's anything we can do, let us know!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Yea-- I agree, it is Bri and Owen's fault... oven saw them coming and tried to keep them away! sorry about all the bad luck! but yay for a new oven!