Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hubbie Funnies

Last Friday, Kase went shopping and bought new shoes. New BROWN shoes. He was very excited about his purchase. He doesn't shop very much. According to him, they are the best shoes ever.

Sunday morning went like this: I was sick and decided to stay home from church. Before he left, Kase woke me up.

Kase: "How do I look?"

Me: "Hold on, I can't see yet" Opening my eyes. Finding my glasses so I can see.

He stood there. blue shirt. GREY pants. new BROWN shoes and BROWN belt.

Now let me say this. I am not a fashion expert, nor am I very picky. But BROWN and GREY together? Really? No, I don't like it.

Me: "Oh sweetie. Brown and Grey do not go together." Giggling.

Kase: "Yes they do. ....I mean, I really want to wear my new shoes."

Me: "They really don't go together, I mean, Grey is just a paler version of black so black shoes would probably look better."

Maybe a better wife would have said, sure go for it sweetie. I mean after all I wasn't going with him. But I just couldn't stand it.

Kase left the room for a minute and came back.

Kase: "Ok you are right." Changing his shoes, "I Googled it and the internet said no, they don't go together."

I am not sure if I should be more worried that he didn't believe me or that he asked Google.


Katy Beth said...

Haha! Too funny!!
Sounds like Joey. I came home the other day to find my Mr."I don't care as long as I'm comfortable" watching What Not to Wear. He says he was watching the few minutes before I got home so he could tell me what I missed. Yeah, sure...

Katina Angola said...

Albert wouldnt have believed me either. He would have asked his sister.

Bill and Jennifer Hammond said...

That was hilarious!!! Oh my goodness, Bill and I got a kick out of that!!!

Marci said...

Your blog is quite adorable! Stumbled upon it via C Jane--will visit again!

erin said...

I love it! Going to google for fashion advice!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

that is a funny story! Im glad you found my blog! i was happy to meet you also! we should def. do something sometime! ps-- you dog is too cute!

Beth said...

So really, do you think Kase and Kris were separated at birth? I can totally see the same thing happening except Kris wouldn't google it, he would just wear it anyway. You guys are so funny!

The Webber's said...

This made me smile! Lucky your guy googled then changed...my husband probably would have worn it anyways :)