Thursday, January 1, 2009

I'll Be Back

I won't be blogging for a while. We'll be here:

Doing this:

And This:

See Ya Real Soon!!!


Lori said...

Ack! Lucky! Don't tell my kids...

Katina Angola said...

Fun!!! We should have went before we had kids. NOw we have to wait until the youngest is tall enough to ride the rides. So in about 10 years we will go.

Beth said...

Thanks for the visuals, that just made it all the more "rubbing it in" our faces!! I hope you guys have fun! Can't wait to see more salt in the I mean pics of your trip! :)

erin said...

I hope you guys had a lot of fun!

The Webber's said...

So jealous - florida weather and the fun there is sure to be better than the never ending snow and cold here in Colorado!

You guys look great! We just stumbled across your page through another mutal friend! Good luck with your future!

Jenny said...

Hey Clapp family it's Jenny Walls I just wanted to say hi