Tuesday, July 17, 2012

junebugs and snowbabies

Did you know that we call Eliza our Eliza bug, which was originally short for Junebug?

We call her that because she was born in June.

I always thought that Junebugs were lightening bugs.

And I thought Eliza is very much like a lightening bug because she is very fiesty, pretty, and lights up our lives. (I know cheesy.)

Turns out Junebugs are not lightening bugs. They are those giant beetles that flew into my hair and freaked me out as a kid when I played outside.

But that's OK. It still sounds cute. And now we mostly call her the bug, without the 'June'.

She is her own kind of hybrid bug: fiesty, pretty, lights up our lives, and freaks me out a little. 

But mostly she is beautiful.

I think she will be a wonderful big sister.

I guess we will have to call our next baby something to do with snow as he/she is expected in January 2013. 

Our snowbaby:



Brittany said...

That made me smile. I'm sure you're going to come up with the perfect nickname for your perfect winter baby. I can't wait to hear what it is.

Lori said...

Snowbaby...I love it! Congrats!

Dana Scarbrough said...

YAY! I'm so happy for ya'll! Here's wishes and prayers for a healthy snow baby!

The Fishers said...

Love it! Congrats!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

so exciting!!! congrats!

Beth said...


Erin_C said...

so so excited for Snowbaby! We are so happy for you guys. Your Junebug will be the cutest big sis. Love you guys!