Monday, March 22, 2010

Dogs vs Cats

Dogs are better than cats. There I said it. Atleast I think they are. I am a dog person I guess. Yes I suppose Cats are smart and everything. But dogs just love you so much. Besides, how often do you see a Cat as a service animal? A seeing eye cat? I don't think so.

Our dog is special. She is not particularly bright. She runs into things a lot and is afraid of scary things like the cord on the space heater. She is a little obsessive complusive. She must exit the family room using the left side of the couch and enter by the right side of the couch. Everytime there is a doorbell sound on the TV she thinks it's our door. The TV is downstairs, the door is upstairs. Makes sense right? Sometimes, just to mess with her, we tell her to go check the front door to make sure noone is here. And she does. She also falls down the stairs if you accidentally turn off the light while she is going down them.

Our dog is somewhat well trained. She knows how to sit, lay down, go to her bed, and shake. She knows what porch, walk, and outside means. She knows she isn't allowed on the furniture or up the stairs in our bedrooms.

Our dog is rebellious. She knows what she isn't suppose to do and generally she doesn't do those things. Unless she is left alone. She goes through bad spells. These are times when we are not around and she does specifically what she shouldn't. Like snuggle up on the couch for a nap, chew on the puppy gates leaving splinters everywhere, going upstairs and clawing on the door so she can get into one of the bedrooms, or crawling under the fence and running wild and free through our neighborhood. The most random was when she clawed a whole into the wall for no reason. Yes, that is why we call her the Monster.

She has good spells too. But every time I say something like "our dog has been really good lately." She has a bad spell. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Last night, we were going to sleep and I said to Kase "You know, the dog has been good lately. I am going to regret saying it, but it's true."

And boy did I regret it. At 4:30 in the morning I woke up to a weird noise. At first, I thought it was a dream or someone in the house. Then I realized it was the dog. She was eating our carpet. Yes our carpet. The Monster had returned. There are holes in the carpet going up the stairs.

In her defense, sometimes her tummy gets upset and she wants to eat grass. There is no grass in the house so naturally carpet is the next best thing. Only it doesn't grow back.

So Kase had to let her outside and then back in and then I had to lay there and not sleep because I was afraid she'd eat more carpet. That's our dog.

Maybe cats aren't so bad after all.

But really how could we not love her with a face like this:

Or this:

Maybe she is getting us ready for parenthood. Although, I am pretty sure our baby will not eat carpet. I hope not atleast.

Speaking of parenthood, for those interested here is a photo of me and the baby last week at 27 weeks. Sorry it's so dark. Please ignore my hair and face.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Baby Update

Friday we went to the doctor for our 25th week checkup.

They did another ultrasound to check on the baby's kidneys. Her right kidney still has a blockage somewhere and is swollen full of fluid. It made my heart hurt to see her perfectly small bean-shaped left kidney next to the huge black (fluid shows up black on the monitor) right kidney. We'll have to do another ultrasound to check on the kidney again in 4 weeks. They want to make sure the kidney doesn't get too large and that the amniotic fluid levels stay high enough. She may have to be delivered early if things take a turn for the worst, she may need surgery when she is born, or everything may be OK and she could go full-term and just need medication to clear out the blockage. We're hoping for that one.

Other than that everything else looks good. Strong heart and good bones. She weights 2 lbs already, which is big for her age. And her feet are HUGE! Already 2 inches long!

It was fun to see our baby again.

Here are pictures from the 3 ultrasounds we have had so far. I labeled things because it just looks blob-like to me:

7 weeks- a tiny peanut:
20 weeks- looking like a baby: 25 weeks- She is bigger and squished and kept moving around a lot so they couldn't get a lot of good pictures. Here she looks like Skeletor. It's just one eye, nose, and skeleton mouth: 25 weeks still- They tried to get her huge big foot. It's the blobish thing above her body. HUGE
25 weeks still: This is a picture where they tried to get her hand. I can see an arm and a fist.
Anyways. We are really excited to meet our baby. We're praying that things get better with her kidney. We love her so much already. She loves her daddy already and moves around a lot when he talks to her.

One day I will post pictures of my growing belly. But my computer is slow uploading things. Stay tuned.....

Monday, March 1, 2010


It finally happened. Someone who doesn't know that I am currently growing a baby, asked if I was pregnant! That means that to atleast some people I actually look pregnant, and not just put on a little weight! At work we have several older gentlemen who are our security guards and I pass by them every morning. I did not tell them about the baby because they are very grandpa-like and I wasn't really sure how to start that conversation. This morning I got on the elevator and one of them followed me in and whispered the ever coveted question "Are you pregnant?"

YES!!! YES I am thank you!!!!

In hind sight I wish I had said no and acted offended. You know just for a little while. But I guess that's not nice to do to your work grandpa.