Passwords. I have a million of them. As I am sure most of you do. Ones for work programs, email accounts, bank accounts, bill paying accounts, blogger accounts. The list goes on and on. And you can't make all your accounts all have the same passwords because they each have a different requirement. No capital letters, no special characters, one number with a special character, blah blah blah.
Well, if that wasn't enough things to remember (or in my case to write down and hide somewhere at your desk), now they are adding "security quesitons". You know, just in case you forget your password or can't remember which one of your passwords you need at them moment. So the solution is to come up with something else that you..... have to remember! Makes sense right?
Today, at work I had to pick TWO security questions for a program that I use maybe once a week. The funny thing was the questions that it makes you choose from. Instead of the normal questions like: What is your favorite color? or What is the name of your favorite pet? The questions I had to choose from were the following:
- What is your favorite line a move? (That's great and all but what if the line is really long, or what if your favorite line changes between now and when you have to answer this question again)
- What is the name of the city where your parents met? (WHAT? I don't know!?)
- What is your first phone number? (I don't remember!!!)
- What was your favorite childhood toy?
- What was the first and last name of your first date?
- What is your favorite quotation? (See problem with favorite movie line)
- What is your favorite cousin's occupation?
- What is the last name of your childhood bully?
WHAT???? How random is that? Who wrote these questions and how am I suppose to pick two questions that I will remember/know the answers to and then be able to remember them again the next time I forget my password. I mean really.
A January Experiment
5 years ago
Lol...It's funny reading it, but I feel your pain.
lol ok that is really funny! whoever came up with those questions prolly has a really boring job and was having a bad day... poor guy!
good luck picking 2!
You crack me up. I hate questions like that. I ALWAYS forget my answers too.
no no no.... my favorite is when I enter in the answers and it could have multiple answers.
Like the question is What high school did you go to? Did I say GHS, Gallatin High, or Gallatin High School?
What is your high school's mascot? The Green Wave, Green Wave, Gallatin Green Wave
The possibilities are ENDLESS!
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