Thursday, July 10, 2014

Caroline is 18 Months

Here we are, going over the hill on our way to two! Caroline turned 18 months on July 7th. It is sooooo hard to get pictures of this kid. She either whines, won't be still, or she makes a terrible squishy face and says "Cheeeeeessseee" which is cute but doesn't make for a good picture. But we think she is pretty adorable any way.

Caroline Selfie-gone-wild
Ms. Independent won't sit still for long
Addicted to her paci
Caroline at 18 months:
- Weighs 23 lbs and 13 oz
- 31 1/2 inches tall
- 12 teeth (4 front teeth on top/bottom and 2 molars on top/bottom. She is still missing her K-9s)
- She says some words that we are able to understand: Puppy (her very favorite thing), Baby, Hi, Bye, Mama, Dada, Hot, Good (Caroline, how are you? Good.), chicken, and a few others that I can't think of.
- She jabbers a lot of nonsensical things that we don't understand.
- She is still sweet but is also very sassy. When she is tired she just whines and whines and whines. But when she is sweet, there is nothing sweeter.
- She is addicted to her paci. She knows where they are located at home and at daycare and she will beg you for it. We have cut down her use to night time, naps, and while we're trying to make dinner because she is tired and misserable. We plan on losing the paci after our flight to Idaho in August.
- When she is tired, she twirls her hair on top of her head. She loves to be snuggled in the rocking chair before bed time.
- She HATES when we brush her teeth. I mean, she screams bloody murder. But it's getting a little better.
- Her favorite foods are: cheese, bread, cheesy bread, mac and cheese (you get the point), fruit, some chicken, and pretty much no vegetables.
- Her favorite things are: puppies, a good snuggly blanket, her paci (see above), baby dolls, whatever toy her sister has, whatever food her sister has, her sister, and walking all by herself everywhere.

We are so glad that Caroline joined our family. We adore watching her grow. There is nothing better in this world than watching Caroline and Eliza hug and play together. We love our sweet Caroline.