On August 7th, Caroline turned 7 months.
It seems like time is flying quicker everyday. Even though time seems to be going quicker, Caroline seems so much younger at 7 months than Eliza did at 7 months. She seems content with being a baby, and I am ok with that. She is still very very sweet, with a tiny bit of drama thrown in. She is happy all the time except when super tired/hungry. Even then, I can forget to feed her for an hour or so after her feeding time (this only happens rarely) and she doesn't object. When she is very upset over something, I can usually still get a little smile out of her. She is a sweet girl.
At 7 months Caroline:
- still does not have any teeth (Eliza had 3 or 4 by now) and we are enjoying her gummy smile.
- wears 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.
- drinks 5 oz bottles every 3 hours and nurses when with me. She has started wiggling A LOT while eating and it makes it hard to feed her.
- eats baby food and is about to switch to the 2nd foods baby food.
- still has a lot of fluffy hair that won't stay down (thanks double cow-licks). It can go into a little top ponytail so that is nice.
- loves soft blankets and toys.
- loves her sister so much and likes to watch her dance and play. Eliza will sit with Caroline and show her toys. Caroline just watches everything she does. Eliza will tell her that she loves her so much and pat her back gently. They are good together.
- LOVES bathtime and water in general.
- does not sleep through the night most nights.
- still a snuggler.
- is sitting up really well now but still hates tummy time. She does roll over to her back well though. She doesn't really like to stand much but I think she just enjoys being held.
- is still just uber sweet. When I think of her, I just think of sweetness. Eliza is sweet as well, but it's a different sweetness.
I absolutely love having my two girls. It is so fun to see how different they are. I think if Caroline had been a boy, I would have thought that most of the differences between them was because of that. So it is fun to see how different my two girls are. They are both our sweet treasures and I love them so much. I love watching them grow together. I wouldn't trade being their mommy for anything in the world.
We are blessed.
A January Experiment
5 years ago